Faculty Websites

faculty website workshopFaculty Website workshop in the FIT studio today.  with 10 Faculty took the first step to build their faculty websites on cikeys.com.

*Facilitated by Michael McGarry.

Agenda and Resources


  • Create a domain on CI Keys
  • Install WordPress on your domain
  • Build pages, create a custom menu, and understand basics of customizing a theme


Digital identity and online presence are increasingly important to have. This gives you the ability to create your identity in your voice. More from Jill…


Your website serves as the home for your digital self. Whatever it is that you want to put about your faculty career can be shared here. Your current research accomplishments and projects, your course reflections, information about why you became a teacher. It’s the platform for you to tell your story how you want to tell it.


We’ll be building your site with WordPress, which is the platform that 26.9% of the internet’s websites are powered by (W3Techs). Your site can be as simple or as complex and dynamic as you wish to build it. One of the many benefits to WordPress is that it’s an open source platform, which means that people develop tools for it around the world.


Sample Faculty Websites

Creative Commons Images


Check ‘Reviews’ and ‘Last Update’ before selecting a plugin.


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