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Teaching, Inquiry, and Technology

Teaching, Inquiry, and Technology

MOOC mania is toast. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were expected to fundamentally change higher education. Clarissa Shen, Vice President of MOOC giant Udacity, recently conceded that MOOCs “are dead.” In their salad days, MOOCs would deliver the lectures of the “best faculty” to campuses around the US and the world. University administrators salivated at […]

Colleges and Cafeterias

Colleges and Cafeterias

Almost everyone in America is familiar with the cafeteria. Hungry people move down the line, sliding their plastic tray and choosing from the various offerings what they want on their plate. Green beans or carrots? Potatoes or rice? Chicken? Lasagna? None of these dishes represents a nutritionally balanced meal. However, by the time one loads […]
