What We're Up To

We're always thinking, tinkering, learning, and innovating. Dive in.

Why Online Classes Matter

Why Online Classes Matter

When I listen to conversations about online education with college educators, the dialogue almost always turns into a debate about quality. And face-to-face classes are regarded as the quality standard. Why is this a problem? Because quality has nothing to do with course modality. High quality learning occurs in both on-ground and online classes when […]

Humanizing Online Learning – Version 2.0

Humanizing Online Learning – Version 2.0

This post was first published at brocansky.com and is being republished here to share with the broader teaching and learning community at CI. Back in 2014, I wrote about an online faculty development course titled “How to Humanize Your Online Class,” which I designed for faculty at CI.  And in 2015, I wrote about how the class […]

Building Our Digital Identity

Building Our Digital Identity

This month’s gathering of T&LI’s Online and Blended Faculty Community focused on the topic of Building Our Digital Identity. Some of the topics we covered were: What isDigital Identity? Is it something that is worth my time? How do I get started with developing my online presence? Should I create a personal website?  Can social media be […]

The Vulnerable Professor

The Vulnerable Professor

Recently, I’ve been examining Brené Brown’s research about vulnerability and it’s really got me thinking about what it means to college and university professors, as well as how it may be acting as a barrier to innovation. I suspect that vulnerability may seem like a strange topic to many of you. However, my experiences, which I share below, […]

2 Tips for Google Docs: Beautiful Existing Templates & How to Create Your Own

2 Tips for Google Docs: Beautiful Existing Templates & How to Create Your Own

Google Docs is a powerful collaboration tool available to all CI faculty and students, branded as CI Docs. CI Docs is part of the DolphinPod suite of services that provides for the creation of digital documents, presentations, and forms through your web browser. Any of these items may be turned into a collaborative environment simply […]

Are You Teaching with VoiceThread?

Are You Teaching with VoiceThread?

How can technology improve relationships and provide for humanized learning experiences that transcend or take the place of a physical classroom? Ask one of the 3,521 CI students or 142 CI faculty who have used VoiceThread, an asynchronous conversation tool that is integrated into CI Learn. Some of the ways CI faculty are using VoiceThread […]

Get Your Custom Course Banners for CI Learn!

Get Your Custom Course Banners for CI Learn!

As you prepare for the upcoming semester, be sure to request your set of custom course banners/graphics for your courses in CI Learn! While a clear, consistent course navigation is essential in the online component of a course, we are here to help you take your course design to the next level!  The aesthetics of […]

New! Course Construction Workshops are Here!

New! Course Construction Workshops are Here!

This semester, T&L Innovations is excited to announce the new Course Construction workshop series.  This evolving series is designed to equip you with the practical skills you need to develop your online or blended course. Registration is open to all faculty, those who have recently completed the Online Teaching Preparation Program (OTPP) or/and the Blended […]
