What We're Up To

We're always thinking, tinkering, learning, and innovating. Dive in.

Online & Blended Faculty Monthly Gathering – September

Online & Blended Faculty Monthly Gathering – September

Last Friday, we kicked off our monthly Faculty Gathering series with an inspiring conversation lead by our Canvas Mentor, Alison Perchuk Assistant Professor of Art and Ekin Pehlivan, Assistant Professor of Marketing. Both have been using Canvas since early this year. Dr. Perchuk shared her personal progression from thinking of Canvas as just another type […]

Best Practices for Cultivating a Sense of Space in Online/Blended Classrooms: An Executive Summary

Best Practices for Cultivating a Sense of Space in Online/Blended Classrooms: An Executive Summary

The following blog post is an executive summary of a larger research project that explored community building in online/blended classrooms. This study was supported by a Faculty Fellowship from CI’s Teaching & Learning Innovations Group, and was conducted by Kellie Prather (undergraduate student at CI), Brandon Burns (undergraduate student at CI), Maia Smidt (undergraduate student […]

Zoom – Boom – Whose Room? A User’s Perspective*

Zoom – Boom – Whose Room? A User’s Perspective*

If you are of a certain age (like me) you have probably been around long enough to experience different iterations of the “ultimate teleconference system”…remember Polycom, Google Hangouts, Skype, JoinMe, Collaborate, GoToMeeting… they have all come and (somehow) gone. Until Star Trek’s transporter becomes a reality, my more recent experience using and playing around with […]

Breaking the Ice in Online/Blended Classes

Breaking the Ice in Online/Blended Classes

The following blog post developed out of a larger research project that explored best practices for building a sense of community within online/blended classrooms. That study was supported by a Faculty Fellowship from CI’s Teaching & Learning Innovations Group, and was conducted by Kellie Prather (undergraduate student at CI), Brandon Burns (undergraduate student at CI), […]

2015-2016 Year in Review

2015-2016 Year in Review

At the end of every year, I agree to write up a summary of accomplishments for the T&L Innovations team. This year, my task is bigger, messier and more complex than ever. That is because our team has grown, and our responsibilities multiplied. At the end of the day this feels like success, but at […]

It’s All About the Fundamentals

It’s All About the Fundamentals

I haven’t been able to dunk a basketball for the past five years. Or during the 30-some odd years prior, for that matter.   Back in 3rd grade, though, you would have had a hard time convincing a four-foot-me that I wasn’t destined to star in Space Jam 2. And I wasn’t the only one […]

2 Tips for Google Docs: Beautiful Existing Templates & How to Create Your Own

2 Tips for Google Docs: Beautiful Existing Templates & How to Create Your Own

Google Docs is a powerful collaboration tool available to all CI faculty and students, branded as CI Docs. CI Docs is part of the DolphinPod suite of services that provides for the creation of digital documents, presentations, and forms through your web browser. Any of these items may be turned into a collaborative environment simply […]

Virtual Field Trips with VoiceThread Mobile

Virtual Field Trips with VoiceThread Mobile

Confession: My name is Jaime and I am a regular VoiceThread user. I have been using VoiceThread for the last few years after being introduced to it by Jill Leafsteadt and Michelle Pacansky-Brock. I have integrated VoiceThread in a variety of ways into my courses, from asynchronous discussions about ethical issues in nursing to integrating […]

Virtual Reality & Online Teaching: Are we coming full circle?

Virtual Reality & Online Teaching: Are we coming full circle?

vir-tu-al re-al-i-ty (noun) technology that replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places in the real world or imagines worlds and let the user interact in that world.  A few weeks ago, I came across an interesting article* about Virtual Reality (VR) and Facebook’s purchase of Oculus Thirst, maker of the soon to be first consumer […]
