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We're always thinking, tinkering, learning, and innovating. Dive in.

Engaging Students in STEM: PlayPosit Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement

Engaging Students in STEM: PlayPosit Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement

The Pinch Point: Lack of Low-Stakes Pulse-Checks Often, we may not know how our students are really doing until it’s too late to turn things around: packed pre-exam office hours, a slurry of pressing emails the night before the assignment is due, or unexpectedly low exam scores. It becomes clear during these moments that important […]

Engaging Students in STEM: Interactive Digital Worksheets with PlayPosit

Engaging Students in STEM: Interactive Digital Worksheets with PlayPosit

The Pinch Point: Student Engagement with Written Content In every course, across all subjects, students are constantly given written material they are supposed to read and learn from. Books, chapters, worksheets, papers, instructions, articles, and even syllabi all fall on students’ plates. When tasked with a sea of assigned course documents, it can be easy […]

TLi’s Newest Learning Design STEM: Georgia Van Tyne

TLi’s Newest Learning Design STEM: Georgia Van Tyne

Teaching and Learning Innovations (TLi) is thrilled to welcome Learning Designer, Georgia Van Tyne, to our team.  As TLi’s Learning Design Lead, I am excited to introduce you to Georgia!  What is a Learning Designer?  At CSUCI, Learning Designers seek to innovate teaching and learning through partnerships that extend to faculty teaching online. While integrating […]

Mentor Moment Replay with Leslie Abell

Mentor Moment Replay with Leslie Abell

During Spring 2021, the Teaching and Learning Innovations’ Learning Design Team was fortunate to partner with our first-ever TLi Faculty Mentors. Mentors are CSUCI Faculty who are experienced in the art of integrating teaching with technology to enhance student learning. As we get ready to introduce you to the 2021-2022 Digital Learning Mentors, we would […]

Encouraging Engagement with Recorded Videos: A Love Letter to PlayPosit

Encouraging Engagement with Recorded Videos: A Love Letter to PlayPosit

The Problem As educators, we should all be aware that students typically have an attention span of about 10-15 minutes. When teaching in person, we can address this fact by adjusting the pace of our lectures, responding to student questions, and engaging students with our movements and facial expressions as well as class activities. Maintaining […]
