What We're Up To

We're always thinking, tinkering, learning, and innovating. Dive in.

“Servingness” Through Culturally Sustaining Learning Design

“Servingness” Through Culturally Sustaining Learning Design

Last month, CSUCI celebrated our designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and our identity as a community rich in cultural wealth and knowledge. In federal law, the HSI designation is for institutions that enroll a Hispanic-identifying population at a certain numerical threshold (25% or more full-time equivalent enrollment in undergraduate programs). Beyond that enrollment figure, […]

Loving It: Comment Library in Canvas SpeedGrader

Loving It: Comment Library in Canvas SpeedGrader

As a faculty member who teaches a mix of online, blended, and in-person courses each semester, I’m always on the lookout for aspects of Canvas that are both useful for students and can save me time in the semester. On this Valentine’s Day (whether you love, hate, or feel neutral about the holiday. Personally, I […]

Encouraging Professional Growth through Purposeful Discomfort in Coursework

Encouraging Professional Growth through Purposeful Discomfort in Coursework

T. Drescher’s Perspective I am incredibly averse to conflict; it is something that has affected my personal and professional life as early as middle childhood. I’ve spent some time ruminating about how life might be different had I the ability to address interpersonal difficulties head-on, and I’ve concluded that I would have benefited tremendously from […]

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #4

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #4

Faculty Info Name: Emily FairfaxAcademic Program: ESRMAverage Number of students per section: 40Featured Course: ESRM 100: Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management**Part of a living learning community Had you taught online prior to the rapid shift to virtual instruction in response to COVID-19?  No, not until the shift (1.5 semesters now). What practice or […]

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #1

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #1

Faculty Info Name: Stacey BeauregardAcademic Program: EnglishAverage Number of students per section: 20Featured Courses: English 102: Strategies of Successful College Writers (four sections) English 330: Interdisciplinary Writing Had you taught online prior to the rapid shift to virtual instruction in response to COVID-19?  Yes, for two years prior. What practice or technique have you implemented […]

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #2

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #2

Faculty Info Name: Hillary TejadaAcademic Program: ChemistryAverage Number of students per section: 25Featured Course: BIOLCHEM 150: Critical Thinking for Science Majors Had you taught online prior to the rapid shift to virtual instruction in response to COVID-19?  No, not until the shift in Spring 2019 What practice or technique have you implemented in your course? […]

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #3

Assessment, Alignment and Feedback Spotlight #3

Faculty Info Name: Stacey AndersonAcademic Program: EnglishAverage Number of students per section: 20Featured Course: ENGL 102:  Strategies of Successful College Writers* (two sections)*This course focuses on helping incoming first-year students develop habits of mind and strategies for success in writing at the college-level. Students learn to make use of campus resources and academic technologies throughout […]
