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Training Special Educators without Charging a Penny for Textbooks; One Department’s Quest for Affordability and Accessibility through Camaraderie

Training Special Educators without Charging a Penny for Textbooks; One Department’s Quest for Affordability and Accessibility through Camaraderie

When I became a special education teacher several years ago, affordability was high on my list of considerations when it came to the programs I researched.  After more than four years of undergraduate education and a few career misfires, I was not in a position to pay another year or two of tuition, books, and […]

CI Faculty: Be Open, if you dare!

CI Faculty: Be Open, if you dare!

“[openCI] It’s been very beneficial.  As a low-income student it’s hard for me to afford course materials;  so it means I am able to use the money from material on food and rent.” CI Student openCI, our version of the CSU systemwide Affordable Learning Solutions was born in Fall 2016. Since then, openCI, coordinated by […]

Creating Space for Integration Through Student Choice: How Open Educational Resources (OER) Made my course more relevant for students

Creating Space for Integration Through Student Choice: How Open Educational Resources (OER) Made my course more relevant for students

A Brief Background The Dance in History course is taught online and fulfills the multi-cultural and/or art GE requirement. It is an important class for Performing Arts Dance Emphasis Majors, but the majority of the students come from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. When I survey students at the start of the semester most admit they […]

Open Science with Bryan Cook

Open Science with Bryan Cook

On March 11th, we had our second speaker in our openCI Speaker Series, Bryan Cook, Ph.D. Dr. Cook, Professor of Education at University of Virginia, joined us to discuss his recent and growing interest in Open Science. He spoke about the implications of open science for research and publishing. Bryan challenged us with ideas about […]

I am a Human Professor

I am a Human Professor

While robotic technology is astounding these days, most robots are still programmed and continue to lack their own emotions and spontaneity. I entered into teaching as a robot. I lacked emotions. One of the first courses I ever taught was an online, undergraduate statistics course with over 200 students at the R1 (research intensive) university where I received my PhD. It was […]

The Curious Case of Soaring Textbook Costs

The Curious Case of Soaring Textbook Costs

My grandpa always used to say: “Education is free for anyone who remains curious enough in life.” That might be true. Yet with today’s soaring textbook costs, higher education is anything but free for the average college student. There are hundreds of articles that detail how textbook prices have risen 3x and 4x the rate […]

A Free Lunch: CSU Channel Islands Offers the CSU’s First “Z-Majors”

A Free Lunch: CSU Channel Islands Offers the CSU’s First “Z-Majors”

Everyone knows: “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”  But starting this Fall, there will be such a thing as textbook-free majors at CSU Channel Islands (CI).  And it couldn’t come at a better time for CI’s student body. Over the past three decades, textbook prices have outpaced inflation 3-to-1.  During this same […]
