New Canvas Workshops

There are only a few weeks remaining of the Fall 2017 semester and so many of you are using Canvas already (Hooray!) that we decided to add more workshops to our Canvas series. From November 28th – December 19th we will be offering Canvas 3-5* but don’t worry these workshops will also continue during the Spring 2017 semester.

* Prerequisite: Attending Canvas 1 & 2 workshops or Completing Canvas 101

Canvas 3: Modules, Pages, and Assignments, Oh My!

Canvas 3 will cover the following topics:

  • Creating modules and add multiple pieces of content to them
  • How and why modules are effective
  • Best practices for building and designing modules
  • Differences between pages, assignments, and modules
  • When to use each type effectively

Canvas 3: Wed. 12/6/17 @1:30-3:00p and Fri. 12/15/17 @ 11:30-1p

Canvas 4: Designing Your Homepage

Canvas 4 will cover the following topics:

  • Why a homepage is an important part of your course
  • What makes an effective homepage
  • Importing buttons and graphic assets from Commons to help build your page
  • Thinking through the lens of your students in terms of user experience

Canvas 4: Fri. 12/8/17 @ 1-2:30p and Tue, 12/19 @ 9:30-11a

Canvas 5: Grades and SpeedGrader

Canvas 5 will cover the following topics:

  • Using and modifying the gradebook
  • Muting and unmuting assignment grades
  • Adding comments and markup to student submissions in SpeedGrader
  • Giving extra credit grades

Canvas 5: Tue. 11/28/17 @ 10-11:30a and Wed. 12/13/17 @ 12-1:30p

If we have piqued your interest, be sure to RSVP!
For those of you that are new to Canvas, we encourage you to visit the Getting Started with Canvas page.

We look forward to seeing you in the FIT Studio.

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