Curate, Communicate, Collaborate, Create with Google Slides

You can create visually stimulating presentations using Google Slides and never have to worry about clicking ‘save.’  Leave your computer and flash drive at home!  You can access your presentations anywhere you have a wireless connection and the ability log into your Google Drive.  But Slides offers so much more!

With the ability to embed links to online content, Google Docs, charts, spreadsheets, and Youtube videos, presentations are no longer passive, but interactive highways to engaging multimedia content.

Share a slide presentation with your students and step away from being the ‘sage on the stage’ and facilitate as the ‘guide on the side.’  Slides allows instructors to use presentations to guide students towards higher levels of thinking as they analyze, evaluate, curate and create content synchronously and asynchronously.  The commenting feature allows instructors to personalize feedback to individuals and groups and support threaded discussions.

Want to learn more?  I hope you will join us in the FIT Studio, 1201 Solano Hall, on Thursday, February 23rd from 2:00 to 3:30 PM to explore the possibilities of Google Slides as digital launchpads to multi-layered learning experiences.  If you cannot attend, I hope you find the supporting Slide Presentation helpful as you craft your own learning experiences.  Hope to see you on Thursday the 23rd!  Happy Creating!