Making vibrant videos

It wasn’t long ago that I began imagining the varied benefits that creating videos can provide for connecting with and teaching students:  a personalized introduction to students about me and the course, a tour of the syllabus, an overview of the upcoming module, a microlecture on a course topic, and more.  Imagining the possibilities was fun but intimidation set in at the very same time.  A series of questions ran through my mind:  what’s the best way to create a video for optimal learning? how can I make a video that is reasonable for a student to consume?  is there a video that already exists on this subject? There are SOOO many tools… WHERE DO I BEGIN? 


After working with faculty in my role with Teaching and Learning Innovations, it’s clear that these questions also run through minds, especially when it seems like a new digital video-making tool comes out every week.  To aid in answering these questions, I put together the following Tools for Making Vibrant Videos webpage (a snapshot is provided below) to aggregate resources and tools for you.   The page provides resources to help you get started with video making, understand the varied digital tools available for creating videos and shares how to access existing repositories of high-quality videos.

A point worth emphasizing… some of the videos that you need are clearly going to be unique to you, your class, your situation, and your needs, but sometimes… you may be able to find a really useful, high-quality video created by someone else! Why recreate the wheel? Take a moment to look through existing resources; YouTube has a great collection of videos, but you will have to sift through to search for quality. You can also check out three great resources (of which CI has a license for), Atomic Learning, and NBC Learn  for high-quality videos.

Feel free to bookmark the page because it will be regularly updated as we discover new tools and strategies for success.  Click on the image below or this link to access the Tools for Making Vibrant Videos Page.


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