Humanizing Online Learning

Humanizing online learning

We focus on supporting and inspiring faculty to develop “humanized” and “connected” learning -- in any modality. As part of this effort, we offer a 2-week Humanizing Online Learning class (fully online), which is embedded in our larger Online Teaching Preparation Program (OTPP).

The Humanizing class is an active learning environment that encourages and supports risk-taking and creativity. Participants engage with research that connects social presence to increased student learning, satisfaction, and interactions. Participants also create digital content (an upbeat, brief course introduction video; course banner; and written reflections).

We have many requests from faculty outside of CI who wish to take our Humanizing class. As a result, we reserve a limited amount of space for non-CI faculty to participate in the online class each semester. If you are interested in learning more about the class and how to register, check out the links below.