

Online and Blended Learning Community - because you are not alone

Join us for our monthly gatherings — in the FIT Studio or via Zoom!

Teaching and Learning Innovations at CI aims to inspire community-oriented faculty development fueled through a spirit of openness and sharing. We encourage and support faculty to move out of their comfort zones and take risks in a supportive environment. We understand that risk-taking is at the core of innovation and risk-taking does not always lead directly to success. We celebrate mistakes and failures as learning opportunities.

One of our roles is to create regular opportunities for faculty to share and ensure all faculty are included. We do this by scheduling untethered faculty gatherings around broad-reaching topics related to teaching and learning in the digital era. All CI faculty are invited and may attend in person (in the FIT Studio) or via Zoom. Just register for the gathering you’d like to attend and we’ll take care of the rest.

Our Community Gatherings will resume this fall. Stay tune for upcoming dates and request a topic here!

Thank you for making this community a welcome and enriching place for all!