Your syllabus is the roadmap to your class. It should reflect who you are and the tone you wish to set for the semester. Traditionally a syllabus is a single document, but in the digital era with so many tools available, syllabi take many different forms. At CI, we have a syllabus policy and some common practices that will help in developing your first syllabus.
Syllabus Policy
Senate policy 07-16 requires that each course have a syllabus with specific information that is made available by the first day of class. Please reference the policy to ensure that your syllabus contains all required elements. Links are provided below to some of the policies/statements noted in policy 07-16
- CI Disability Statement
- The CI Policy on Grades (SP01-38)
- Academic honesty information as specified by the Policy on Academic Dishonesty (SP01-57)
Course Outcomes
As noted in the policy, each course has approved, designated learning outcomes that should be included in the syllabus and guide course curriculum. Please find the most recent outcomes on the course approvals forms by following the link and searching the program area and then the course.
Syllabus Templates
We have developed syllabus templates in Google Docs with all the required elements for your convenience. Please check with your program area to see if additional elements or alternative formats are recommended. You may download these templates into a Word Doc or use in CI Docs.
Helpful Policies
In addition to the required elements, we recommend having a clearly written communication statement, a statement of netiquette and a late work policy.